Retreats, forest bathing, Hiking & Meditation
All events at a glance
winter 2021
Jan 02, 2021, morning, 1 hour: Osho Dynamic Meditation ; on zoom, AFTER
Jan 02, 2021, full day: active meditation day; on zoom
07 Jan 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active Meditation - Osho Kundalini Meditation ; on zoom
Jan 21, 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active meditation - Osho Gourishankar meditation ; on zoom
23 Jan 2021, afternoon, 2 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
04. Feb 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active meditation - Osho Kundalini meditation ; on zoom
Feb 14, 2021, morning, 1 hour: Osho Dynamic Meditation ; on zoom, AFTER
Feb 14, 2021, full day: active meditation day; on zoom
Feb 18, 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active Meditation - Karunesh Heart Meditation ; on zoom
Feb 20, 2021, afternoon, 2 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
Feb 21, 2021, 1½ hours in the morning: Walking in silence ; * Cancelled
04 Mar 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening : Active Meditation - Osho Kundalini Meditation ; on zoom
Mar 14, 2021, 2.5 hours in the afternoon: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
18 Mar 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening : Active Meditation - Our Sacred Earth Meditation ; on zoom
Spring 2021
01 Apr 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active meditation - Osho Kundalini meditation ; on zoom
11 Apr 2021, 1½ hours in the morning: Walking in silence * ; - Cancelled
Apr 17, 2021, ½ day: Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku * ; - Cancelled
Apr 22, 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active meditation - Osho Devavani Meditation ; on zoom
Apr 24, 2021, afternoon, 2.5 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
May 13, 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active Meditation - Osho Kundalini Meditation ; on zoom
May 15, 2021, afternoon, 2.5 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
May 16, 2021, 1½ hours in the morning: Walking in silence * ; Cancelled
May 29, 2021, ½ day: Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku * ; Cancelled
May 30, 2021, 1 day, online meditation day with OSHO Active Meditations on Zoom
May 27th - 30th 2021, RETREAT : The active meditation retreat - Cancelled
10 Jun 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active Meditation - Chakra Sounds Meditation ; on zoom
20 Jun 2021, ½ day: Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku * ; Bergisch Gladbach and the surrounding area
Summer 2021
08 Jul 2021, 1.5 hours in the evening: Active Meditation - Osho Kundalini Meditation ; on zoom
17 Jul 2021, ½ day: Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku * ; Bergisch Gladbach and the surrounding area
[Summer break]
28 Aug 2021, ½ day: Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku * ; Bergisch Gladbach and the surrounding area
Sep 2-5 , 2021, RETREAT: The "outside" retreat in nature * ; Fly oak
Autumn 2021
Sep 11, 2021, Sa afternoon 2.5 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
24 Sep 2021, evening: Active Meditation - Karunesh Heart Chakra Meditation ; on zoom
02 Oct 2021, ½ day: Forest Bathing - Shinrin Yoku ; Bergisch Gladbach
Oct 24, 2021, Sa 3 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
Oct 26, 2021, 1.5 hours: Active Meditation - Osho Kundalini Meditation ; on zoom
Nov 21, 2021, 1½ hours in the morning: Walking in silence * ; Bergisch Gladbach
23 Nov 2021, evening: Active Meditation - Osho Nadabrahma Meditation ; on zoom
11 Dec 2021, Sa afternoon 2.5 hours: TRE learning - Trauma Releasing Exercises , on Zoom
Winter 2021/2022
02 Jan 2022, 1 day: Ritual day in the forest to welcome the New Year , Bergisch Gladbach
Spring 2022
Mar 20, 2022, all day: ritual day for the spring equinox
Summer 2022
12 - 15 Jun 2021, RETREAT : The "outside" retreat in nature ; Fly oak
Individual support: process support into your inner nature
Nature coaching is an incredibly powerful tool. And the nice thing is that at some point you will be able to use this mirror of nature for yourself on your own and carry out the exercises and rituals yourself.
As part of nature coaching, we work with exercise units of 30 - 90 minutes. We plan the frequency and length of the coaching sessions together after a thorough inventory during a free session.
Basically I work on the following premise: I see every problem, every projection, every blockage, every experience of emptiness, fear, tension or emotional confusion as a door to our inner being. My work is based on the understanding that these feelings generally have to do with a so-called 'hole ' (if you follow the link, scroll to the ' theory of holes ' in the 3rd paragraph). A hole, that means that we have lost contact with ourselves, with our 'being'. Often when we were very little. And now the ego is trying to mimic what we 'lost'. The ego does this by exerting itself, feeling justified, defending itself, projecting itself, withdrawing itself, having strong emotions, analyzing things, and constantly brooding.
Working on the “ego level” can alleviate psychological suffering somewhat, but the deep healing and real transformation only happens when we re-establish contact with the different aspects of being.
How deep we go and on which aspects of being (love, trust, courage, strength, calm, joy, etc.) we work depends on your concern. In general, however, I work with my clients on a long-term basis and have an interest in helping them transform their lives in the long term.
Transformation is the star under which I do everything. And that takes courage and commitment. Are you ready for this If so, get in touch with me now and together we will see how I can support you.
Naturcoaching (Einzelbegleitung)
Naturcoaching ist ein sagenhaft kraftvolles Werkzeug. So ziemlich jedes Problem, jede Art Kopfkarussel, jeder festgefahrene Karren kann sich mit Hilfe von Mutter Natur leichter lösen. Oft reicht eine Coaching-Einheit, um einen richtig dicken Knoten zu entwirren.
Ich räume mindestens 2-3 Stunden für ein Coaching ein. Das gibt dir den Rahmen, den du brauchst, um wirklich in die Tiefe deiner selbst vorzudringen, und das ohne zeitlichen Druck. Wann gibt es schonmal eine solche Gelegenheit? So kann sich das, was unter dem Offensichtlichen liegt, langsam an die Oberfläche bewegen. Und wenn das Unbewusste einmal sichtbar wird, kann es bereinigt, integriert und geheilt werden. Klarheit kehrt ein. Die Lösung präsentiert sich dann oft wie von selbst. Die Natur spiegelt uns, was für den Verstand nicht greifbar oder sichtbar war. Das ist eine immens große Hilfe.
Wir müssen also nur an den eigentlichen Kern des Problems kommen. Der ist oft verschüttet und wir sehen den Baum vor lauer Wald nicht. Aber gerade der Wald hilft uns, raus aus dem Kopf und rein in das Herz zu kommen. Und dann weiter in den Bauch hinein. Dann sind wir verbunden mit den drei wichtigen Zentren, die uns ausmachen. Und das ist es, was wir brauchen. Die Intelligenz des Herzens, des Bauchs, der Seele. Und wo kann sich das besser entfalten als in der Natur?
Und der Kopf, fragst du dich vielleicht? Ja, der hätte eigentlich schon immer unser gehorsamer Diener gewesen sein sollen. Das ist aber mit der heutigen Sozialisierung abhanden gekommen. Oder besser gesagt: Es hat sich komplett umgekehrt. Der Kopf regiert den Rest von uns. Aber das macht uns nicht nur rigidge, gibt uns Kopfschmerzen und/oder einen verspannten Nacken und läßt uns mitunter nicht schlafen, sondern sorgt auch oft genugt dafür, dass wir schlechte Entscheidungen treffen.
Was wünschst du dir stattdessen? Was ist DIR wichtig? Was möchtest du in der Zukunft sehen und erleben? Welche Qualitäten in dir und deinen Mitmenschen sind dir wichtig? Einige ungeklärte Fragen, schätze ich? Umso wichtiger, in die Natur zu gehen! Dort kann sich das natürliche Gleichgewicht wieder einstellen, Antworten können von alleine kommen.
Resoniert etwas? Spricht dir etwas, von dem, was du gerade gelesen hast, aus der Seele? Dann lass uns reden!
Das Wie, Wo, Wann, Was, und die Details - z.B. wie oft wir diese Coachings durchführen, bzw. ob es eine Reihe von Coachings oder ein einzelner Termin sein soll, etc. pp. - all das besprechen wir gemeinsam nach einer gründlichen Bestandsaufnahme während einer kostenlosen Sitzung via Zoom.
Meditation retreats
Green meditation
Appreciate change
Meditation in motion
Nature retreats
Nature coaching
The gift of nature
Nature has so much to give us ...
Silence! First outside, and then inside too.
There is nothing to do. You can just BE.
The opportunity to look deeply inward.
Free from To be the mental body of society, ie you can become aware of what conditioning is, and what corresponds to your truth.
Breathe fresh and pure air; the lungs are happy.
The nervous system can 'come down', you become calmer, more relaxed.
The senses open and are sharpened.
Inner connection, vulnerability and self-care are encouraged.
Openness of the Heart and access to your soul are supported in order to ...
To get in touch with the inside of your being, of your being, and thereby ...
To feel the connection to God, to the cosmos, to the universe
And, there is another very important point: The Japanese forest researcher Qing Li has discovered: "Anyone who spends a day in the forest has more natural killer cells in their blood for seven days." - Well, if that's not a reason!
( Here is the academic text about the research work of the forest researcher Qing Li)
Why with Nature my Goddess?
This is a very personal decision, and that is why I cordially invite you to a half-day or day-long event before you confide in me for a longer period of time. Or to a free one Skype conversation, click on this Link . But here are a few key facts about me, who might help you decide.
20 years of wilderness experience (except for one trek in the Himalayas, all single-handedly)
16 Years of meditation experience and practice in mindfulness & self-exploration
University degree in psychological counseling
Individual work with people in the context of humanistic psychology since 2004
Since 2011 leading mindfulness-based & therapeutic courses
I look forward to getting to know you at one of the events or on Skype.
Disclaimer: Our events are about meditation and self-exploration, i.e. personal growth, and of course also about the connection to and the respectful encounter with nature. The events are not wilderness training.
Questions, suggestions, suggestions for improvement?
[To book events, please go to the relevant page and click on Register to get to the correct form. Thanks]
Hebborner Feld 2, 51467 Bergisch Gladbach | Tel: 0152 23474177
Creating a connection with the wildness outside is a way of keeping the wildness within alive.
~ People of Lapland