Forest bathing - Shinrin Yoku
With sharing circle & ritual break in the forest
Shinrin Yoku, in German forest bathing, is a feast for the senses. 'Green' meditation and your personal break in the forest. You have the opportunity to bathe your soul in the forest and gently experience nature as an enjoyable movement towards yourself.
The practice of forest bathing probably has its origins in China and is over 2500 years old. In the 80s, this ancient knowledge about the healing properties of the forest was rediscovered in Japan. Shinrin Yoku is the Japanese term for forest bathing. Translated it means something like "immersion in the forest atmosphere". So it is about the meditative stay in nature, where it is easy to 'switch on' the senses and to be aware of yourself and your surroundings. It's even scientific proven that Shinrin-Yoku increases physical well-being as well as mental health.
For our Shinrin-Yoku afternoon we will meet at a place in nature that we will announce to you via email before the event. From there we will walk a few hundred meters, in some cases 2-3 km, into the forest and look for a cozy place. There we start the ritual with an introduction and meditation together. Then you have the opportunity to be alone with yourself and nature. Let nature work the miracle and untie the knot of what our ego mind cannot handle.
Later we will meet again at a place in the forest that we have determined beforehand in order to share what we have experienced. We can support each other and help each other to see things more clearly, to internalize knowledge and to integrate newly gained insights into our existing life experience.
What you should ring with:
- sturdy shoes (we also go cross-country and possibly also through nettle bushes)
- appropriate clothing (depending on how wet or cold it is; we don't move much)
- a waterproof seat pad for outside
- a pillow to sit on
- a blanket for outside (remember, we don't move much)
- a thermos with tea for the time in the forest (also for warming)
- Drinking bottle with water
- Writing utensils
- a small garbage bag [if you have to go to the toilet in the forest and use handkerchiefs, because we don't want to leave anything behind ;-)]
** Forest bathing takes place when the incidence value is below 10 0 **
[17. April 2021, 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.] Canceled - see Corona Protection Ordinance
[29. May 2021, 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.] Canceled - see Corona Protection Ordinance
June 20, 2021, 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Jul 17, 2021, 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
28 Aug 2021, 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Oct 02, 2021, 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Forest bathing with ritual break - one afternoon