OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation
The optimal recovery for the brain and body
OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation
A humming meditation to balance both halves of the brain
The OSHO Nadabrahma meditation is a one-hour meditation technique in three phases. Osho derived it from an ancient Tibetan technique. It can be performed at any time of the day or at night alone or with others.
The meditation is done while sitting. The humming and the very slow movement of the hands balance both sides of the brain and calm the nervous system and mind. An inner "hum", an inner harmony is created. This harmony becomes the door for mindfulness and meditation.
Osho recommends having an empty stomach and doing nothing for at least 15 minutes after meditating.
Osho explains, “While you are practicing Nadabrahma meditation, remember that your body and mind become totally one with each other. And remember to always keep observing. Withdraw from body and mind quietly and gradually through the back door - without fighting either. Let the body be and you yourself disappear and observe from outside. "
Instructions for OSHO Nadabrahma meditation
The meditation method is done with music:
Music for the Osho Nadabrahma meditation
First phase (30 min): Loud humming
Sit in a relaxed position with your eyes closed and your mouth closed. Start humming, loud enough so that if others are around, they can still hear it. Hum loud enough that you can feel the vibration making your body vibrate. Let the body and mind fill with these vibrations. This creates a vibration in your whole body. You can imagine a tube or an empty vessel that is completely filled with the vibrations of humming.
There is no special breathing technique in this meditation, you can change your pitch and also move your body gently if you feel like it.
There comes a moment when the hum happens by itself and you just listen. Become a listener more and more.
Second phase (15 min): Circular arm movements
The second phase is divided into two parts of seven and a half minutes each.
Stop humming. Bring your hands in front of your stomach, palms up. Move it forward very slowly. Then the hands separate and make two large circles to the right and left.
When you get back to your stomach, make new circles in a circular motion away from your body. The movement should be so slow that you think they weren't moving at all. Feel how you give your energy to the universe.
After seven and a half minutes (here the music stops briefly) turn your hands - the palms are now facing downwards - and move your hands in the opposite direction.
The starting point is again the umbilical region, but now the hands are spreading from there on both sides of the body. Feel yourself absorbing energy. As in the first phase, you can allow slight body movements.
Third phase (15 min): Sit quietly and relaxed
Sit relaxed, still, and stay mindful.
Video - instructions for OSHO Nadabrahma meditation
Meditate together
It's just better together. In addition, we can work together to develop a field in which synergies arise. And yes, it works with zoom too. You can see when the next OSHO Nadabrahma meditation will take place on the appointment list

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Another note:
Active mediation also has its limits and is not a substitute for therapy, psychological counseling or other therapeutic work. If you come across emotional or energetic limits in active mediation, please seek competent help, for example in the context of individual sessions, with me or a therapist you trust.