OSHO Dynamic Meditation
From the head to the heart to the belly.
Osho Dynamic Meditation
From the head to the heart to the stomach
This morning meditation, the Osho Dynamic Meditation, is the express train among the meditation techniques. For those who are on the move a lot in their heads, there is no more ingenious meditation technique than Osho Dynamic Meditation.
Osho explains his methods: "So I use chaotic methods, because chaotic methods turn the mind off ... They are so chaotic that the center is automatically shifted from the mind to the heart, and that's a big step - the center from mind to So if you make my method powerful, unsystematic, chaotic, your center will be shifted downwards, you will come into your heart.
When you come into your heart I use catharsis because your heart is completely suppressed - suppressed by your mind. Your mind has taken up so much space, it is so dominant, it has swallowed everything. There is no more room for the heart, so all the heart's desires have been suppressed. You never laughed from your heart, you never wept from your heart, you never did anything from your heart. The heart is suppressed ...
So I first use chaotic methods to shift the center - the center of your awareness - from the mind to the heart, then catharsis is needed to relieve the heart, to throw out all oppression, to make it easy. When the heart becomes light, the center of awareness is shifted even lower. It reaches the navel, and the navel is the source of your vitality. He is the source, he is the seed from which everything arises: the body, the mind, everything else ...
The consciousness has to be shifted down to the source, to the roots. Transformation is only possible then. "
These Osho Dynamic Meditations, like the many other Osho Active Meditations, work on a level that is beyond the cognitive mind. With this, inner blockages can be released that we are not even aware of. The result is not just greater serenity. Over time, these active meditations can also be used to resolve stubborn patterns that have adversely affected our lives. In the long term, these methods contribute to your inner freedom, more zest for life and a more free flow of energy.
Here is a great compilation of other Osho quotes on active meditation.
Curious? Then try it out yourself.
You can do this together with others, for example at the OSHO UTA Institute in Cologne (7 a.m. daily). Here is more information about it.
You can also practice the OSHO Dynamic at home alone. Below are instructions for doing this. Nevertheless, if you are new to meditation, I recommend that you practice it a few times with others in a group. That helps! 😉
Video tutorial OSHO Dynamic Meditation
Instructions for OSHO Dynamic Meditation
The dynamic lasts an hour and has five phases. The eyes remain closed throughout the meditation.
The meditation method is done with music:
The meditation music for Osho Dynamic Meditation
1st phase (10 min): Wild, irregular breathing
Breathe chaotically through your nose; just pay attention to the exhalation. The body takes care of the inhalation by itself. Breathe as fast and as hard as you can - and then a little harder - until you are only breathing. Use your body's natural movements to get more energy. Feel it gain weight, but don't allow it to let off steam in the first phase.
2nd phase (10 min): Express yourself
Explode! Let out everything that wants to break out. Go totally crazy. Scream, shout, cry, hop, shake, dance, sing, laugh, romp around. Don't hold back, keep your whole body moving. In the beginning, you can do a little acting to get in. Don't let your head interfere. Be total, be there with all your heart.
3rd phase (10 min): Jump with arms raised
Jump up and down with your arms raised, shouting the mantra “Huh! Huh! Huh! " as deep from the stomach as possible. Every time you land on your feet, full-soled, let that sound pound into your sex center.
Give all you have, totally exhaust yourself.
4th phase (15 min): Be quiet, do nothing
Stop! Freeze and stay in the exact position you are in right now. Do not try to make the body comfortable. One cough, the slightest movement, and the energy is dissipated and all the effort was in vain. Watch everything that happens to you.
5th phase (15 min): (Yourselves) partying
Go with the music, dance, express your gratitude to creation and take this feeling of happiness with you into the day.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. It is helpful to have enough space for the movement phase. If you stretch out your arms and turn around in a circle, there should be enough space.
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Another note:
Active mediation also has its limits and is not a substitute for therapy, psychological counseling or other therapeutic work. If you come across emotional or energetic limits in active mediation, please seek competent help, for example in the context of individual sessions, with me or a therapist you trust.